The literature on Christian leadership is vast. Scholars analyze leaders like Jesus Christ; historical Christian leaders, like Martin Luther King, Jr.; and contemporary Christian leaders to try to isolate the unique qualities that set them apart. Fundamentally, any Christian person— in name and in action— who finds themselves in a position of influence is a Christian leader. However, the quality and effectiveness of those leaders varies greatly.
What qualities do the most effective Christian leaders embrace? Looking both to the Bible and to real-world examples, a few common adjectives emerge.
Christian leaders embrace humility. Proverbs 11:2 states, "When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom." This verse speaks to the idea that a person can only learn if they have a genuine attitude of humility, holding an open heart and mind. Entering a conversation with a sense of superiority or with strong prejudice inhibits the acquisition of wisdom and limits a leader's ability to grow. Humility also corresponds to honesty— the ability to be open about mistakes or blind spots, which grows trust between a leader and their community.
Servant leadership is at the core of the Christian faith. The Bible repeatedly calls on Christians to show kindness to others, provide assistance to those less fortunate, and give generously of our own wealth. Mother Theresa epitomized the service-oriented Christian leader. She stated, “A life not lived for others is not a life.” Service-oriented leaders benefit from forming meaningful connections with those in their community and from creating an example of grassroots change.
Like Jesus Christ, who lived among the people, Christian leaders must make themselves readily accessible to those who seek them. Leading from the top of a tower creates distance and distrust between a leader and their community. Remaining open and available allows leaders avenues to communicate important ideas and cultivate trust between themselves and those in their sphere of influence.
Christian leaders must seek to continually grow and improve in character, faith, and service. Ongoing and honest self-reflection helps Christian leaders to understand God's calling for them. Hebrews 6:10-11 states, "Everything you do in your journey of self-improvement, including serving others in love, matters to God." Effective Christian leaders thoughtfully consider criticism, engage in regular prayer, embrace educational opportunities, and actively seek ways to build their character and become more Christlike.
These characteristics are certainly not the only qualities of effective Christian leaders, but they are a strong foundation for those seeking to lead with an "upright heart" (Psalm 78:72). Christian leaders who embrace these characteristics have the potential to create lasting change, bringing faith and light to all corners of the world.
At Branches Worldwide, we exist to connect and empower a global network of high-impact entrepreneurs who use their businesses as a means of transforming their communities. We believe every visionary leader should have the resources and relationships to help them impact their community. Contact us to learn more about becoming a Leader, Mentor, or Donor.