Branches Worldwide's Executive Director, Dan Owolabi, has extensive experience helping faith driven leaders develop influence with customers, colleagues, and their community. He served as a pastor at a megachurch in Ohio before accepting the invitation to become our founding director. Dan is a strong believer in Redemptive Leadership, or the practice of leading with a focus on helping others achieve their full potential and purpose.
In addition to serving as the Executive Director, Dan is also the author of “Authentic Leadership” and a co-founder of Owolabi Leadership. Dan holds a BA from Malone University, and a MA from Ashland University. He lives in Ohio with his wife Erica and two daughters. In this conversation, Dan answered a few questions about his life, inspiration, and thoughts on Redemptive Leadership:
What do you recommend as a must-read for anyone looking to make a difference in the world?
I would recommend reading:
What inspires you during challenging times?
Exercise, praying, and listening to music.
What is something most people don't know about you?
I'm fluent in sign language, I've memorized all the U.S. Presidents in order, and I hate the sound of pouring water!
How do you define Redemptive Leadership?
Gaining influence to help people restore their purpose and reach their potential.
Which of your principles of Redemptive Leadership do you most wish were more widely adopted?
My hope is that leaders focus on building companies, communities, and cultures designed to reveal the potential and restore the purpose of others.
How have you seen Redemptive Leadership done well?
When people build companies, products, churches, communities, or cultures designed to help people restore their purpose and reach their potential.
Examples include when Nelson Mandela ran for the presidency in South Africa and refused to endorse revenge against Aprtited. Instead, he focused on building a community where everyone would thrive. Starbucks goes out of its way to offer benefits, leadership development, and high wages other to create a workplace where people can thrive.
What will a leader experience if they practice Redemptive Leadership?