William Ventura is the Clinical Director and founder of Chiropractic Spine Center (CSC) in the Dominican Republic (DR). The practice began operations with no money or resources in 2015. Now, CSC is the fastest growing Chiropractic Clinic in the DR, receiving over 3,000 visits a month in 5 different locations in the National District, West Santo Domingo, East Santo Domingo, and San Cristobal Province. Each location is dedicated to helping people with spine problems and pain.
In 2015, William Ventura finished his Doctor of Chiropractic degree at Life University in Marietta, Georgia, the largest Chiropractic School in the world. He planned to work in Canada for two years. However, he felt strongly that God had called him to serve his country and start changing lives.
In addition to a 4-year chiropractic education, William Ventura is also a medical doctor. He graduated from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, the very first university on the American continent. He has a Master's degree in Health Administration from the Industrial Organization School in Spain, and graduated from the 4-year Leadership Development Program (LDP) of Compassion International.
William is happily married to his wife, Ana, and they have four amazing kids: William David, Anna Juliette, Chloe Marie, and Marcos Daniel.
Since its foundation, God has been blessing Chiropractic Spine Center. In its first month, the company was able to serve more than 60 new patients. Right now, they are one of the largest chiropractic clinics in the country, serving thousands of patients each month. Some patients travel more than 4 hours to receive treatment.
Currently, CSC employs eight people, training them to use their God-given potential to help every patient in each one of their office locations. CSC is the only chiropractic clinic in the country that has a Dominican Chiropractor on their staff.
Chiropractic Spine Center (CSC) provides high-quality chiropractic care to its patients and teaches them how to take care of their bodies as one of the most precious treasures that God has given them. CSC seeks to help clients become more active, mobile, and lose their need for pain medication.
Above all, CSC desires that their patients live their lives to the maximum, helping them honor God by reaching their optimum health potential. The vision of CSC is to give access to high quality chiropractic care and health services to every person in the Dominican Republic.
The clinic's responsibility is divided into two self-described areas:
1. Education: God has given us our bodies, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and we have an obligation to take care of them.
2. Patient Care & Community Health: More than 90% of adults in the DR are now experiencing or have had back or neck issues that interfere with their daily life – CSC helps them to recover their health, freedom, mobility, independence, and the happiness that comes with it.
William was raised in Church and made the personal decision to commit his life to Christ at 17. One of his favorite Bible verses is 1 Corinthians 15:10, “By the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace has not been in vain to me.” Understanding the great blessings he has received since his childhood, his commitment is to give back to his community and country. He wants to help the next generation become passionate about God, and inspire them to become servant leaders.
His childhood was very tough. His family did not follow Christ, and financially they did not have much either. However, God’s provision was always with them. Thanks to God, William was the first one to become a believer in his family, and then one by one, they began to accept Christ. Today, almost all of his family members are Christ followers. Through the difficulties of childhood, William learned to depend on God's provision. He has developed a strong faith, believing that no matter what, the Lord is on his side and will never leave nor forsake him.
William’s leadership is based strongly on his faith. He does not merely consider himself a leader, but a servant leader that has been blessed to impact his community and country through CSC. As a result of his faith, he works every day to have his priorities in order. William’s relationship with God is his first priority — God is the center of everything and his main motivation. Next, is his family, who are his first ministry. Third, comes the business, which is the most powerful tool the Lord has given William to expand His Kingdom and break the cycle of poverty that has affected the Dominican Republic for decades.