"Service is a byproduct of following Jesus, which is a choice. In the midst of a typical work week, your schedule is full, and your life is busy. For many of you, the pace of life probably doesn't slow down very often. Finding ways and time to serve can be a challenge." The answer? Leading at work with Christ at the center.
As a Christian and faith-driven entrepreneur, your work can be a way to serve God by serving others. When you treat your work as a ministry and make the most of its potential to impact the world, you’ll find yourself much more willing to take risks and go above and beyond what is expected of you.
Consider how God uses our gifts at work:
As you lead your team, it's important to remember that conflict is inevitable. You should never avoid it or run from it, but instead seek out healthy ways to solve the problem.
Consider stepping away for a brief moment when you're facing a difficult situation in order to find clarity; ask for guidance and peace from God. Ask Him for wisdom in resolving the issue at hand and the strength to carry through on His will through the process. Sometimes just the act of prayer can open your heart and mind to a solution.
Connect with your work community by actively listening and giving space for feedback. When you listen and connect, you forge a necessary relationship with your team that fosters growth and positive conflict resolution.
Start by praying for yourself. Your first goal is to keep God as the ruler of your life. Pray that God will help you be patient, kind, and understanding with each person on your team.
Pray specifically for each individual's needs—what are they going through right now? What is holding them back from doing their best work? Asking these questions will help you get a better idea of how God might want to use your prayers for each person's growth and development as a leader or team member within the group.
Here's an example of a prayer to use when praying for wisdom at work:
Heavenly Father, your word says that if we lack wisdom, we can ask you, and you will give us the wisdom we need. I’m asking today for wisdom to navigate a challenging situation at work. Lead me to the wisdom that will help me see the solution. Guide me in the way that I should go. Fill me with your peace that passes understanding. I depend on your grace throughout the day as I go about my duties. Amen
Servant leadership is a biblical model of leadership. It's based on the example of Jesus Christ, who came to serve and sacrifice himself for others.
Servant leaders show compassion and empathy. They have a servant's heart and trust in God to put the needs of others first.
Christ's servant leadership is an important model for us to follow as we live out our faith at work. We can do so by considering all the ways we can serve others at work, from praying for co-workers to praying during difficult times. We must also examine whether or not a particular career choice is fulfilling God's will for our lives because serving others through our work is an extension of Christ's servant leadership.
At Branches Worldwide, we exist to connect and empower a global network of high-impact entrepreneurs who use their businesses as a means to transform their communities. We believe every visionary leader should have the resources and relationships that will help them impact their community. Contact us to learn more about becoming a Leader, Mentor, or donor.