Highlights Research and Strategic Management Solutions (HRSMS) is a research and strategic management consultancy founded in February 2017. HRSMS was established with the mandate of supporting local and regional startups; micro, small and medium sized businesses; and private groups with strategic management solutions, business development services, data collection and analysis, banking, finance, and economic research and analysis.
In 2019, two years after building Highlights’ local and regional network, the mission gave birth to the Highlights Holding Company Ltd. of which Highlights Research, Highlights Financial Services, Highlights Impact Foundation, and Highlights Technology and Development are subsidiaries. Currently, Highlights group’s operations are driven by seven management team members and three consultants with the intention of growing to meet demand.
As Founder and Group CEO for the Highlights Holding Company and its subsidiaries, Aubrey Stewart’s main responsibility is to guide and support the full implementation of projects and activities by the holding group, supported by Managing Directors of each Highlights subsidiary. Aubrey is the chief visionary and is responsible for oversight and the overall strategic planning and execution of the group of companies.
Highlights Holding Company, through its operations and subsidiaries, is committed to a mission of providing individuals; startups; micro, small and medium sized entities; and low-income families with affordable research for business development and expansion, public policy development, short and long term financial support, housing and technology solutions, and community development solutions to achieve holistic growth and build community impact.
Highlights is founded on the belief that all things are possible regardless of your beginning and circumstances, but what is of greater importance are the results produced in the end. These results-oriented people are the type of people we choose to work with. Currently, Highlights supports six micro, small and medium sized businesses and fourteen individuals.
During his childhood and young adulthood, Aubrey came in close contact with death on several occasions due to his community’s gang activity. Since 2007, he has dedicated himself to God and service for the development of this community and nation. These activities of service are mainly driven through his youth organization - The Youth Organization for Upliftment.
Though he experienced many financial difficulties growing up, Aubrey has completed a Bachelor's Degree in Political Leadership, Strategy, and Management and a Master's Degree in Government/Politics. Through strategy and management, he is focused on using education as a tool for creating opportunities for those without them and for those who believe that things won’t get better. Aubrey’s personal mantra is expressed in two ways:
Aubrey’s discipline and focus on God’s mission, shown through his community involvement and business, led him to be recognized by both President Barack Obama and Queen Elizabeth II of England for outstanding leadership and nation building in 2015 and 2018 respectively. Aubrey’s faith has driven him to be the visionary and authentic leader that he is today: Aubrey consistently tells himself "I CAN."