Arturo Machado is a passionate follower of Jesus Christ, a father, a mentor, a teacher, and an engineer with over 30+ years of professional experience in the manufacturing world. Arturo was born and raised in Mexico but eventually migrated to the United States in 2000, where he currently makes his residence. He is an international traveler and multilingual. He places a great value on transcultural appreciation and understanding. In his life journey, he has spent time in Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Puerto Rico, China, India, Italy, Austria, Germany, and the USA.
Arturo speaking, “I believe God has blessed us with life, skills, creativity, networks, and resources. He has done that with one purpose: Bringing glory to his name and in the process fulfilling our destiny on this earth and becoming a blessing to others. None of us is an island unto himself, we need each other. Our journey while unique, is part of a thread that started with our parents, our families, our ancestors, our mentors, and the community at large. We owe great appreciation, love, and respect to those who have laid the foundation and the pathways for us to walk. It is our time to shine, bless others, and become the steppingstones upon which others can grow and thrive. I am here to serve, just like my Lord Jesus Christ did.”